Have a Cracked Windshield? 4 Things You Shouldn't Do

26 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog


If you have a cracked windshield, there are a few things you need to avoid doing in order to prevent more damage from happening. When it comes to a cracked windshield, you need to be careful with what you do and how you respond.

#1: Do Not Try to Fix the Windshield Yourself

First, don't try to fix the windshield on your own. DIY repair kits usually don't fix the issue permanently; they are designed as a stop-gap solution that will only work for a little while. Instead, you should also check with your insurance company policies before you try to fix your windshield on your own. If you use a do-it-yourself kit on your windshield, you could invalidate your insurance, making you responsible for any additional damage.

#2: Don't Fix it Without Your Car Insurance Company

Second, you shouldn't avoid calling your car insurance company. Many insurance companies have special plans in place to deal with windshield damage. Some insurance politics will fix your windshield for free, and other insurance policies will allow you to pay a very small deductible instead of your regular insurance deductible.

It is smart to call your insurance company; they will be able to help you fix your windshield in a timely manner. Your insurance company doesn't want you to drive around with a damaged windshield, as that can result in a bigger accident and more cost for them.

#3: Don't Take Time Off to Fix Your Windshield

A great thing about windshield repair is it doesn't have to take place at a mechanic shop. Most windshield repair companies have mobile units, so they can come out to you where you are to repair or replace your windshield. A mobile windshield repair technician can meet you at home or at your place of work and can fix your windshield on the spot. This is preferable to you bringing in your vehicle for repair, as your vehicle should ideally sit still for a couple of hours to allow the adhesive that keeps the windshield in place to cure.

#4: Don't Keep Driving

Finally, don't just keep driving if your windshield is damaged. A damaged windshield doesn't just impact your visibility; it also impacts your safety. Your windshield helps keep you safe in the event of an accident. It's also possible that your windshield is damaged enough that you need a replacement. Driving with a cracked windshield could cause further damage or harm.

If your windshield is damaged, you need to get it fixed right away. Call a windshield replacement company to learn more.