Reasons To Avoid Postponing The Replacement Of Your Windshield

13 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you have recently discovered that your windshield is cracked, badly chipped, or even shattered, you will need to call to schedule windshield replacement services. Such services should not be postponed, especially if you need to continue driving your vehicle for work. Too many people make the mistake of assuming that this is one of those things that can just be put off until a later time, but that is not what you will want to do and for good reason. Read More 

Have a Cracked Windshield? 4 Things You Shouldn’t Do

26 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a cracked windshield, there are a few things you need to avoid doing in order to prevent more damage from happening. When it comes to a cracked windshield, you need to be careful with what you do and how you respond. #1: Do Not Try to Fix the Windshield Yourself First, don't try to fix the windshield on your own. DIY repair kits usually don't fix the issue permanently; they are designed as a stop-gap solution that will only work for a little while. Read More